Terms & Conditions

Mwema is a Tanzanian NGO that works for the promotion of rights of most vulnerable children, especially children of and in the streets.

The work of is run by a team of 14 workers and 2 national volunteers. The board of directors is also based on voluntary work. Since the foundation of the organization, Mwema has received different international volunteers from different countries who have used their free time to come and support Mwema in different aspects. Mwema has seen this as a great opportunity to improve certain areas of the management of the NGO, leisure time of children, capacity building of workers, etc. On the other hand, the volunteers that have come to Mwema have also learnt from the children, the community we work with and the staff. This has helped in making them learn and understand the challenges these children go through and help them spread the word about what we do, in return helping the NGO’s network to grow.

Your volunteering at Mwema must be prepared in a way that benefits the NGO and also meet your expectations. Therefore, we have outlined our terms and conditions that volunteering hopefuls to Mwema have to adhere to.


  1. Applicants are encouraged to go through Mwema website before applying in order to understand the type of program they are applying to.
  2. Applicants are encouraged to contact and apply through any of the partner NGO in their country of origin that runs volunteer programs with Mwema. These applicants will be priotized highly before the ones doing by their own.
  3. In case of not coming through any of these partner organizations, applicants can directly contact Mwema.
  4. All applicants should send a motivation letter with a copy of their CV and International Volunteers Application form, Available at the website, unless they have already done this through our partners.
  5. Mwema program cordinator and assistant administrator will do the first screening of application and then forward the pre-selected applicants to the Board of Directors in order to make the final decision.
  6. The board will give the names of the selected applicants to the program coordinator who will respond finally to the applicant or to the partner organization in their country of origin.
  7. In case the answer is “Not fitting for the time or post applied”, the applicant will be informed and thanked for the interest, as well as explained to the reason for not being accepted for the time being.
  8. In case of acceptance, the program coordinator will explain the prcedures and conditions for coming to Mwema as an International volunteer and will start planning for the arrival of the selected volunteer, unless this is all processed through partner organization in the country of origin.
  9. Before coming to Mwema, the volunteer will receive a copy of the volunteer contract and his/her terms of reference for the activities and tasks to develop during his/her stay.
  10. All volunteers must be provided with a volunteer’s visa by the Tanzanian Immigration Authority before arrival to the country, otherwise the volunteer will not be allowed to come to Mwema. For the issuing of the volunteer permit the applicant should provide to the partner NGO or Mwema the following documents:
    > A completely filled immigration application form
    >A copy of CV and all certificates in English
    >A copy of passport 1st page and the page stamped by the Tanzanian embassy in his/her country or the last page stamped by the Tanzanian               Immigration
    >6 passport size photos (courier to Mwema Street Children Centre. P.O. Box 356, Karatu, Arusha Tanzania
    >$120 (or equivalent) fee paid by volunteer for the process
  11. All these documents should be provided to Mwema at least 2 months before the planned date of arrival, otherwise the process will not be completed and volunteer will not be able to come with the required permits.
  12. Any person interested that do not fulfil the criteria mentioned in the chart below is kindly requested not to send his/her CV until the creteria are met, in order to avoid disturbance to the management of the NGO.
  13. Mwema appreciates the understanding of those interested but didn’t meet the criteria or those that are not able to complete the requirement of the selection process. We have to guarantee the success of the organization and the volunteering program without any inconvenience to any of the parties.

During your stay at Mwema

  1. At arrival the volunteer must deposit a copy of the volunteer permit and passport at Mwema office. Also the applicant will be accompanied to the Immigration office for initial registration.
  2. Mwema coordination office will assign a staff who will brief you and offor guidance in any task or responsibility that will be assigned to you.
  3. The volunteer will be part of Mwema staff team and participate in the organization activities, following the program’s outline.

Selection criteria for international volunteers

  1. Must be above 20 years old
  2. Not more than 2 volunteers at the same time/period
  3. We have a capacity for a maximum of 3 volunteers per year
  4. Minimum length of stay is one month for those with very specific tasks, but desirable between 2 to 4 months.
  5. Volunteers should be coming through any of Mwema partners
  6. Desirable previous experience in social science, financial and administration background, teaching and related topics.
  7. Applications will be sent to Mwema program coordinator who will submit to the BoD for the last decision.


  1. The patner organization should arrange all documents needed (immigration visa brief) before the person arrives to the country and should cover those expenses. A copy of the visa and passport should be deposited at Mwema office at arrival.
  2. The partner organization should orientate the volunteer about the Mwema program before coming.
  3. Mwema will not cover any other accommodation expenses rather than food at the center. The rest should be covered by the volunteer or the partner organization.
  4. The ToR will be written by Mwema team and sent to the volunteer before arrival and make follow up of the…
  5. At the end of the period the volunteer should write a report of the activities done, if possible before departure from the centre.

Children living in the streets do not need gifts, they need EDUCATION!