Our Partners

Mwema Street Children Center has many partners and collaborators at national (Tanzania) and international level, especially in Spain. The ways of cooperation are carried out through financial donations and promoting volunteering.


Partner and Technical Advisors

Matumaini was the first partner of Mwema Children, even before its official constitution. It is a Spanish association created in 2009 with the main objective of promote capacity building in partners NGO based in Sub-Saharan Africa, mainly through technical and financier support. Also, to sensitize Spanish community about children rights and main causes of poverty, promoting education for development initiatives in and out of the school. Matumaini manages a committed international volunteer that gives technical support to Mwema in the field and from Spain.



Funding Partner Germany

Chamäleon is a German tour operator that has been collaborating with Mwema for more than 4 years ago, not only buy sensitizing tourist groups and visitors at our centre, but also through increasing financial support. The achivements have been many: contribution to the digging of a borehole for clean water at our centre, purchasing a new land attached to the current one for expanding our services, contributing to children Primary Health Care (PHC), a motorcycle for facilitating family visitation. Currently they have got committed with Mwema Children Health Cycle, which includes most activities related to health components of children: PCH, food security and nutrition, sports and games, water and sanitation.



Funding & Technical Support / Oviedo City Council, Spain

Derandein Fundazioa is one of the main Mwema partners since 2009 with an annual technical and financial support commitment.


Children living in the streets do not need gifts, they need EDUCATION!